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Is Google's Reign Over? ChatGPT Emerges As A Serious Competitor Gadgets 36T


Is Google's Reign Over? ChatGPT Emerges As A Serious Competitor Gadgets 36T
Is Google's Reign Over? ChatGPT Emerges As A Serious Competitor Gadgets 36T

Of course, there were search engines before him. But Google was the first to popularize knowledge-based search. And while competitors have been around for years, most are just  variations on a theme. Nowadays, when we want to find something, no one says "I'll dig it up" or "I'll look it up on Yahoo". However, could all of that be about to change? Unless you've spent the last few months on Pluto, you've probably noticed that ChatGPT is the "hot topic" app at the moment. Just in case, here's a quick rundown of what it is and how it works.  As I sit down to write this article about whether  ChatGPT will finally end Google's 25-year domination of the search market, it's been reported that Microsoft has enhanced its Bing search engine by integrating integrates ChatGPT functionality directly into its interface.  This is not surprising, as Microsoft was one of the first organizations to support the creators of ChatGPT - the OpenAI research agency - when they invested $1 billion  in 2019. Earlier this year, they announced that they will continue to invest another $10 billion, making it the largest  shareholder. This clearly brings ChatGPT – and Bing – one step closer to being the first serious contender for the Google Search throne in a long time. So should Google be worried? And how does King Research plan to react?  

The Data Behind ChatGPT and Google Search

  First, let's see how Google Search and ChatGPT  take different approaches to solving the same problem - give us  the information  we need.   Google Search and ChatGPT respond to queries by searching large databases of information gathered from the Internet.In the case of ChatGPT, this is the GPT-3 training dataset. The exact contents of this dataset have not been made public, but it is believed to include 75 billion parameters (data points), including a 2021 internet scan, the entire content of Wikipedia, large chunks of Reddit. and two book databases. In total, this training dataset is reported to be about 45 terabytes in size.  This is definitely a large training dataset compared to other language models. However, it becomes meaningless next to the data set that Google's search engine uses to answer our queries.Google has been building its index since the early days of the World Wide Web by sending  "crawlers" that move to every corner of the Internet they can reach. According to Google, the index is currently around 100,000 terabytes (100 petabytes).  

Bigger means better? 

However, as the saying goes, size isn't everything. The main innovation with ChatGPT - and what makes it, in my opinion, the first serious threat to Google's dominance in the information economy - is the way it processes this data to make it useful to us. Basically, Google  returns a list of web pages that, according to Google's algorithm, are likely to contain the desired information  based on our search queries. On the other hand, ChatGPT uses a Natural Language Generation (NLG) algorithm to structure the results in a way that gives us straight answers. It's a huge boost to the user experience. Anyone using it for research no longer has to wade through  search results pages. This experience is very similar to asking a very knowledgeable friend for their answer and opinion. However, to be fair, we should mention that Google Search has also included some AI-powered features – such as the Knowledge Panel – which presents information extracted from web pages. certain  on the results page. This information is displayed next to or embedded in the search results of the web pages they return. However, it still cannot use ChatGPT's conversational style.

This type of chat is used by ChatGPT to improve user experience. If we do not like the answer he gives  or if we think he has used the wrong method to help us solve the problems we have presented to him, we may ask ask him to try again. It will remember  previous details about our conversation - at least until the end of the session - and use this information to refine its responses  until it can give us something we are satisfied with. 

ChatGPT is also ad-free

Most of the best results we get  using Google search are there because someone  paid to have them  there. However, this could change once ChatGPT hits the market - we'll have to start paying for the massive amount of computing used when processing our queries at some point and OpenAI tested "premium" paid versions. several regions, including the United States and the United Kingdom. Overall, as you would expect from a technology  created 25 years after Google  launched, ChatGPT is light years ahead in terms of user experience. However, that is far from the end of the story. Google has a number of advantages that mean it's still far from over…   ChatGPT cons  The first issue to deal with is accuracy. ChatGPT is a brand new tool and is trained on a static, untested dataset. Unfortunately, this means it's prone to  mistakes and  bias - the cause of much of today's AI technology.With all data processing, the first rule is "junk equals garbage". Anyone who has been trying to use ChatGPT for a while may have encountered these inaccuracies. We can now address teething issues and it's likely his accuracy will improve as he continues to learn and grow through additional training.  However, this poses another problem.

 The fact that ChatGPT

 The fact that ChatGPT is somewhat (read: very) unclear about the origin of its data  means that fact-checking or verifying its source is difficult. These issues led Google's chief search officer Prabhakar Raghavan to compare the operation of AI-powered chatbots to a "hallucination", describing them as working "in the way that a machine provides something compelling". lead but completely invented".  While Google's language processing may seem outdated by comparison, at least Google knows where its information comes from. This is usually the owner and operator of the websites  it displays. Of course, this does not mean that everything he tells us will be true and correct - but it will be much simpler to assess the validity and reliability of information  Convergence - the future of research ? Of course, these pros and cons are mostly for ChatGPT (and indeed Google Search) as they exist today. In particular, ChatGPT is a nascent technology and what's on offer right now only provides a glimpse of what it - and similar platforms - will be capable of in the near future.  One thing's for sure, though, is that Alphabet won't turn around and admit defeat. The commercialization of its search technology has been instrumental in making it one of the richest companies in the world, and it's not a dairy it's giving up any time soon.  So, roughly at the same time as Microsoft announced that ChatGPT functionality would be added to Bing, Alphabet said that its own large language model, called Bard, would be used to improve performance. of Google Search.However,  things didn't get off to the best start - with machine-made errors  in promotional videos blamed for a $100 billion drop in the company's value.  But if we were generous enough to attribute the ChatGPT error to a "startup problem", then we would doubt Google's similar interests.

It is very likely that we will see two technologies - large  chat interfaces based on language models and search engines - combine to create hybrid technologies that will hopefully give us the best of both worlds. the best of both worlds.   Google and Microsoft clearly believe that the next phase in the evolution of information technology will focus on this convergence of search and language. And both understand that the catalyst for that will be AI. Yet another sign that the age of "thinking" machines has been transforming all aspects of society in ways that  just a few years ago seemed unthinkable.


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