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The Top 5 Education Trends In 2023 Gadgets 36T


The Top 5 Education Trends In 2023 Gadgets 36T

This means that the way we learn must change, incorporating technology and concepts such as lifelong learning, to ensure  we are better prepared for today's rapidly changing world. Here's my rundown of the key trends that will drive this shift over the next 12 months and beyond.

 Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial Intelligence (AI), dubbed the most revolutionary technology of the 21st century, is transforming all sectors and areas of human activity, including education. In the classroom, it comes in the form of virtual assistants that can help both students and teachers with time management and completing assignments; tutoring systems that can provide personalized learning experiences for students of all ages and abilities; online and distance learning systems that can adapt the pace of learning to student needs; Language translation in educational environments where students speak many different languages ​​and many other applications. It was even reported in

That some schools in China have implemented facial recognition technology using computer vision systems to monitor whether  students are paying attention in class!

 According to UNESCO, artificial intelligence can help address some of the toughest challenges facing modern education, including eliminating inequalities in the way education is delivered around the world and improving access to knowledge around the world. However, it also brings its own challenges: it requires efforts to ensure that the implementation of this highly disruptive technology is  fair and does not itself contribute to these inequalities.

Distance, Online & Blended Learning

The global Covid-19 pandemic has forced schools, universities and course providers to develop distance learning opportunities. But even before that, there was a revolution  in online learning and the popularity of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) skyrocketed. In schools, distance and online learning means teachers can reach students no matter how isolated their communities are.This could be a major step forward to ensure equal access to education in a world where nearly 270 million children are out of school because they live in remote or rural areas.

Even for those who live in cities, the growth of online and distance learning opportunities offers us the opportunity  to continue learning, even if our  adult lives meant that it would be difficult for us to  attend regular face-to-face classes. This is due to the emergence of online education (ed-tech) technology  platforms such as Udacity, Coursera, Udemy and EdX. These platforms are intended to enable “lifelong learning”; an approach that is likely to become mainstream as the  pace of technological advances accelerates, requiring frequent updates and skill "top-up" with new models such as micro-learning and Na-learning. One of the trends that has emerged recently at

in the  online learning space is courses led by celebrities and recognized professionals.The Masterclass and Maestro platforms (the latter created by the BBC) offer opportunities such as  Julia Donaldson's Learning to Write for Children, Martin Scorsese's Cinema or  Bob Iger's Business.

 Not just colleges

 secondary schools to increase funding in 2023 to prepare students for future pathways to places other than traditional colleges. Vocational and technical courses that teach different skills are likely to grow in popularity as schools work with employers to develop new solutions to the problems caused by the skills gap. In the United States, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that 43% of high school graduates go  to  college. However, a disproportionate amount of school resources is devoted to preparing this minority, while less teaching focuses on students who intend to continue their education in less traditional ways, e.g. B. through apprenticeships or apprenticeship training.As the needs of the new job market shift  from finding graduates to building a workforce with the right skills, we can expect this to  change in the future. In Europe, 2023 has been declared the European Year of Skills.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are two forms of augmented reality (XR) that are gaining traction in educational systems. Virtual reality allows users to enter a virtual world, and the number of "experiences" is huge and growing. which allow us to do everything from travel back in time and experience history  to training for difficult and dangerous tasks like making repairs in dangerous environments. Other applications that will gain popularity in  2023 are virtual classrooms, which enable distance learning and classroom activities  in a more immersive and experiential environment. Virtual reality has been used

Times in healthcare education, from  nursing students experiencing emergency care to training doctors in surgery.

Augmented Reality still requires a device (ex.phone, tablet, or headset), however, differs from virtual reality in that computer-generated images are overlaid on what the user  actually sees. The advantage  is that it can provide real-time information, e.g. B. to warn a trainee in a production environment that a machine could be dangerous. This is made possible by computer vision algorithms that analyze the images captured by  the glasses' cameras. AR textbooks appear in schools with images and templates that “come to life”. seen through a smartphone camera, giving students  a closer and deeper look at everything from  ancient Roman architecture to the inner workings of the human body.Museums and sites of historical or scientific interest are also increasingly adding augmented reality to their environments and exhibitions to create more engaging educational opportunities.

 Soft Skills and STEM

Soft Skills include communication skills, teamwork, creative thinking, interpersonal problem solving, relationship management and conflict resolution. In other words, these are human capabilities that machines are unlikely to replicate any time soon. They will become more relevant in a world where artificial intelligence is taking over many of our routine and everyday technical tasks. This means that these skills are increasingly being taught in technical education as they are increasingly valued by employers and industry.According to HR experts, soft skills are becoming increasingly important for business success, but they are much more difficult to measure and assess than technical skills. such as math, engineering and computer programming.

In 2023 we will see STEM education placing more emphasis on these core competencies, as well as making more efforts  to measure and assess organizational capacity in this area.


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